Thursday, April 30, 2009

Too Busy

I'm constantly amazed by how much my role as a parent can illuminate my relationship with God.

This morning as I left for work, I peeked my head in my 2 year old daughter's room to say goodbye. After wishing her a great day, I asked if she would give me a hug.

"No, Daddy. I'm busy with this toy." She turned her head away and focused on the toy in her lap.

I was crushed. I told her goodbye and headed toward the door.

I was reminded of all the times I'm too busy with whatever I'm doing to spend a few minutes alone with God. How many times have I said the exact same thing to God: "No Daddy. I'm too busy with that project in the back yard." Or "No, Daddy. There's a really good TV show on in three minutes." I wonder if, in those times, God feels something like I felt this morning.

Although my daughter and I see each other throughout the day, and we interact and experience life together, it is the special moments (like my goodbye hug) that I really look forward to the most. I'm sure the same is true of our heavenly Father: Although He is with us throughout the day, and we experience our lives in His presence, it's the special moments (like our daily quiet time) where we really make a connection with Him. When I'm too busy to spend that time with Him, I bet it breaks His heart.

So I was feeling pretty low this morning. As I walked across the driveway to my car, I heard the front door open. It was my little girl.

"I'm sorry, Daddy." My heart leaped. I ran up to her and scooped her up in my arms. "I'm sorry for not giving you a hug, Daddy."

My broken heart was suddenly healed.

God, I'm sorry for skipping my quiet time with you last night (and so many other times). Please forgive me. I look forward to those times. Help me to remember that you look forward to them, too.

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